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Lend a helping hand

  • By Alan Knott-Craig
  • October 15, 2016



In business, most transactions are reciprocal. I do something for you. You do something for me.


Compounding reciprocity is the vicious competitiveness of business.


You can’t spend your life doing favours for others. You need to be ruthless.


Someone trip and fall? Step on him on your way to the finish line.


Someone need money? Squeeze her for all her assets in return for a bail-out.


That’s business. Business is not for sissies.


The rule is don’t something for anyone until you know what you’re getting in return.


But sometimes you need to ignore the rules. Sometimes you need to be plain unselfish.


Give advice to a competitor. Find a job for a friend of a relative. Take the time to meet a young aspiring entrepreneur.


There may be no clear benefit to you, but that’s ok.


Lend a hand to others trying to climb the ladder.


It’s the right thing to do.

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