When high energy folks interact with other high energy folks, then both energies go up.
When high energy folks interact with low energy folks, the high energy person loses energy, but the low energy person stays the same: low energy.
When low energy folks interact with low energy folks, they both remain low energy.
High energy + high energy = higher energy (3 x 3 = 9)
High energy + low energy = low energy (3 x 0 = 0)
Low energy + low energy = low energy (0 x 0 = 0)
Always have high energy people in your company and in your life. If anyone starts sucking your energy, cut them loose quick.
One bad apple will spoil the entire basket.
(“Energy” does not “auras” or “capacity to do the Ironman”. “Energy” is more akin to your attitude towards to life and getting things done.)