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Entrepreneurs don’t make assumptions

  • By Alan Knott-Craig
  • February 8, 2016

entrepreneur assumption


Assumptions are the mother of all screw-ups.


Assume nothing. When in doubt, ask a question.


If you’re afraid to ask a question you either (a) are a coward, or (b) care what people think.


Entrepreneurs (a) have courage and (b) don’t care what people think.


If no one can answer the question, then experiment.


If you can’t experiment you are either (a) lazy or (b) afraid of failure.


Entrepreneurs work hard and are not afraid of failing.


Don’t make assumptions until you’ve asked every question.


If you must, then experiment. Test your assumption.


You never know. Maybe you’re wrong. There were many social networks before Facebook came along.


If you assumed social networks were duds, then you wouldn’t have backed the Zuck.


Facebook is now the fourth most valuable company in the world and The Zuck is on track to be the richest person in the world before age 40.


Assumptions are the mother of all screw-ups.



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