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Entrepreneurs don’t let noise distract them

  • By Alan Knott-Craig
  • December 10, 2015

entrepreneur noise


Some people need to read the newspaper every day, find out what’s going on, always be chasing the latest trend.


These people are not entrepreneurs.


Entrepreneurs build stuff. If you’re going to build something you can’t be distracted by the media or competitors or opinion.


A true entrepreneur knows what he’s doing. It doesn’t matter of other people don’t agree, he carries on with his mission.


Some people pretend to be entrepreneurs. They pretend to be builders. They pretend to be self-made. They pretend they know what they’re doing.


But they know they’re lying.


You can spot these folk a mile away. They are endlessly distracted by other opinions, panicked by the moves of competitors, issuing contradictory orders.


Whilst they pretend to be visionary they’re actually desperately looking around to see what everyone else is doing.


If you don’t know what you’re doing you can’t be an entrepreneur.




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