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How to change culture when merging new companies

  • By Alan Knott-Craig
  • April 7, 2017

(Summarised from Ben Horowitz speech on the Haiti slave revolution)

Here are four tricks for successfully changing a culture:

  1. Keep what works (don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater).
  2. Create shocking roles to force behaviour change, ie: Facebook mantra is “move fast and break things.” The leader of the Haiti slave revolt said, “no officer may cheat on his wife.” This jolts people out of their normal way of doing things.
  3. Incorporate people from the other company into your leadership team and adopt some of company’s ways.
  4. Let your decisions demonstrate your priorities. Words are meaningless. People watch what you do. If you want a culture of transparency, don’t be secretive.

For the full speech click here:

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