There are three kinds of people. Dealmakers, dealbreakers and the crowd.
The crowd is arb. The crowd follows. It won’t lead, it won’t block.
Dealmakers make things happen. A combination of intelligence, creativity and perseverance allows these people to find a path when the crowd says it’s impossible. Once they’ve found the path the crowd is happy to follow.
Dealbreakers are the people that makes things stop. They fear change. Jealousy makes them hate people that shine. They’ll cut off their own nose to spite their face. These people are the ones who work behind the scenes to block progress and change. They are sly and cunning and say things like, “I’m 100% onboard, but…”
All organisations, public, private and NGO’s, have a mix of these people, with varying proportions. If you’re in a position of power, try find the deal-breakers and get rid of them quickly.
If you’re selling to an organisation, find the deal breakers and neutralise them.
Dealbreakers are the sand in the ball bearings of the engine.
Dealmakers are entrepreneurs.