Many of the world’s greatest inventors, artists and entrepreneurs were creatures of habit.
They realised that if they wanted to free up their creative juices and save their brain muscles for important matters, they must minimise time and energy spent on repeatable tasks, such as meals, clothes and daily chores.
Steve Jobs always wore the same polo sweater and jeans. Benjamin Franklin always had the same breakfast. Da Vinci always woke up at the same time of day. Barack Obama only has two suit colours, blue and black.
By removing the need to make hundreds of small inane decisions during the day (ie: What should I have for breakfast? What time should I wake up? What type of coffee should I have? What should I wear today?) you minimise decision-fatigue and maximise your creativivity.
Routine is the path to creativity. Creativity is the path to innovation. Innovation is the path to profit.
Find a routine. Stick to it.
“Be regular and ordinary in your life so that you may be violent and original in your work.” Flaubert