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The Big Almanac Podcast – Part 5

  • By Alan Knott-Craig
  • May 25, 2017
Excerpts from Be A Hero: Lessons and tips on how to find success and happiness, and mostly importantly, how to be a Hero.

Also available on iTunes

8. ADVERSITY (continued) (20 minutes) 

8.6 Don’t run away
8.7 Forget about revenge
8.8 Take it like a man
8.9 Four steps for recovering from failure
8.10 There’s only one way out of a jam
8.11 Sometimes you have to play dead
8.12 Seven tricks for fighting fear
8.13 This too shall pass


9.1 Tell your story
9.2 Seven tips to improve your memory
9.3 Six rules for writing
9.4 The difference between thinkers and doers
9.5 Twenty-three tips for becoming a better negotiator
9.6 The art of selling
9.7 Change your mind


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