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Get your head right

  • By Alan Knott-Craig
  • October 29, 2016



Feeling like nothing is going your way? Everyone out to get you? Trapped?


“If you want to escape the things that harass you, the answer is not be in a different place, but to be a different person.” Seneca


First, stop whining. No one likes a whiner.


Second, be grateful for everything you have. Gratitude will make you happy.


Third, stop thinking about yourself, and start helping other people. The cycle of navel-gazing can only be broken by unselfishness.


Last but not least, don’t stop moving. When you’re going through a bad patch it’s easy to freeze.


Don’t freeze. The only way to get through Hell is to keep moving.


Get your head right and the rest will take care of itself.


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