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Fuck is a word in the English dictionary 

  • By Alan Knott-Craig
  • November 17, 2022

It used to be sexual in connotation.

Now it’s just part of everyday language.

It can mean bad stuff like, “You’re a fucking prick.”

Or good stuff, “You are fucking awesome.”

It can be used against people, ie: “Fuck you, you prick.”

Or it can be used for yourself, ie: “Fuck me, that’s awesome.”

It can be used in disbelief, “I can’t fucking believe it.”

Or it can be used as a compliment, “Fucking-A”.”

Kids should refrain from using the Fuck-word until they’re old enough to drink alcohol.

And just like alcohol, you should limit your usage of Fuck when you’re in front of your kids.

But that’s about the only restriction.

Fuck is a word in the English dictionary.

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